After I had my first baby, I found my self saying “why didn’t anyone tell me about this” & “I wish I would’ve known…” more times than I’d like to admit. Having just gone through my second pregnancy and birth, I realized how much that first experience taught me and I felt so much more empowered going into birth number two. My intention behind this blog post is to hopefully prepare you a little more than I was for pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum phase. I’ve packed up the information I wish someone would’ve handed me when I was first approaching the beautiful phases pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and delivering them to you here. I’ve included actionable advice that you can apply right now whether you are planning on getting pregnant or are currently pregnant.
Along with saving money, health and wellness is also one of our top family values. Often times, saving money and eating healthy don’t seem to co-exist very well. I’m here to tell you there’s a way. I’ve gathered some wisdom over the last 9 years of trying to make this work, and I want to share it with you. I know talking budget is NOT the most fun topic, but I hope some of you can relate and find this helpful. Eating healthy can be done on a strict budget, and I’d love to show you how we do it. Some of these may not mesh with your family situation, so take it for what it’s worth and find what works for you!
Here are my top 10 tips for healthy grocery shopping on a budget:
It’s been a minute since I talked HA recovery, so I wanted to give you guys a current update. Lets talk about what HA recovery life looks like now! This journey is a little crazy, because there is no one size fits all approach or prescription. But then again, I’m finding that out with most things in life. Why is that? Maybe because we are all TRULY UNIQUE, and we are deeply complex creatures.
One of the common phrases I use as a health coach is “Healthy Looks Different On Everyone.” Today I want to take this a bit further and say that Healthy looks different for each of us through the many different stages and phases of our lives! What was healthy for us when we were starting college, with different responsibilities, different priorities, before kids, looked completely different from the healthy version of us now in a different phase of life. Yet it can be so hard not to compare ourselves to a certain standard we once had for ourselves. We are always changing and evolving. We are changing physically, mentally, hormonally, anatomically, as well as our environment and circumstances. That’s the beauty of this life!
We all get a lot of advice during pregnancy whether we want it or not. It’s one of those special times of life when people feel like they can just comment on everything. During pregnancy I read all the books, all the articles, listened to all the podcasts, talked to all my sisters and friends, but I still had some surprises. In hopes to shed some light on the subject for those of you embarking on this child baring journey, these are 5 things I was NOT prepared for postpartum.
Alright, if you’re pregnant or a new mom, and anything like me, you’ve probably looked at a million “registry list” articles for ideas on all the must have baby items. These lists are super helpful, especially going into a world where you have no idea what you’ll need or what it’s going to be like. Stepping into new territory can be terrifying but oh so exciting all at the same time.
I wanted to add my 2 cents with my favorite products I’ve discovered in my almost 8 weeks of motherhood. From peeing and pooping, to feeding and sleeping, these have made a big difference in my new little world. Some of these products are solely for me, some for baby, and some benefit the both of us (aka: a twofer :)
For months I envisioned how the birth of my son would go. I wrote down my “birth plan”, practiced visualization techniques, read tons of books on natural birthing, listened to podcasts, all gearing up for the big event. Throughout my pregnancy I exercised, did yoga, ate well, and tried to do all the prep work I could. At the same time, I’m the type to just let nature take its course, and I knew this was something I couldn’t plan out perfectly. I knew a birth plan was really just a wish, but I didn’t expect my birth story to take all of the crazy turns that it did!
When the time came that we finally wanted to start a family, I tried to blame my infertility on anything but my high level of activity and low body fat for about a year. I didn’t want to change. For about 3-4 years prior to that, I lived in my happy little bubble of “when I need my period I’ll just get it back, and getting pregnant will be a breeze when I want to.” I was convinced my body was just like the women I saw at the top of their fitness game while popping out babies like it was no biggie. No way could my lifestyle have a negative affect on my health, I thought. I was doing all of the right things! I wanted to be in the best shape of my life when I got pregnant and be able to bounce back like nothing had happened. I worked hard on my physique and thought that would work in my favor.
I feel we live in a culture that as morphed the terms weightloss, thin, fit, lean, shredded to mean the same thing as healthy. Along with that, we link anything to do with fat, body fat, and weight gain to mean unhealthy. To some, healthy has become this measurement of how many times you workout in a day, how lean you are, and how well you stick to your macros. Whether you're a trainer, some sort of health and fitness professional, or just a human being in this world pursuing health, this is for you.
This time of year is when the resolution and goal setting motivation is at an all time high. This past year has given me a new perspective on health and what goals I should be striving for. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, HEALTH LOOKS DIFFERENT ON EVERYONE, and at all different stages of our lives. A fitness goal your best friend is working towards, may sound great, but quit comparing! Her goal may not be the best thing for you and your health. Sometimes our goals need to go against the grain, and that’s OK!
Quite body shaming, and show some love. From my experience it only takes one body shaming comment to trigger a whole room of women talking about what they don’t like on their bodies. Let's change this. Redefine Beauty, refocus your attention and praise, contribute positivity to the conversation, Strive for YOUR healthiest self, and don’t compare.
Tuesday, November 7th, almost 3 months on the dot from going “all in” I got my period back. Meaning my first NATURAL period in over 5 years!!!! Whoo hoo! However, my work isn’t done yet. Now comes the fun of finding the balance with exercise, fuel, and keeping my cycle. But this has been such a relief I can’t even tell you! Hard work, patience, persistence, faith, prayer, and trust in my body has all paid off. And of course the encouragement and example from others was a game changer. The past 3 months have honestly been the hardest and longest 3 months of my life.
Well what if I told you that you can’t panic your way thin. I heard this in a podcast recently and I really liked the concept. Often times we approach weight loss and fitness with the mindset that if we look at ourselves and point out what we need to change, try to burn as many calories as we possibly can during a workout, torture ourselves, limit our calories from food, we’ll get there someday. We think that If we put enough hate, stress, panic, and pressure on ourselves to get a certain body that we think we need to have in order to be beautiful, then we’ll have success and life will be better. Even if we’re miserable while doing it.
A quick recap of one of the highlights for 2017, hiking the Enchantments in the Cascade mountains. The group was amazing, and views were unreal! read more and see the pics here :)
Today I decided I’m going to get personal and share something I’ve been struggling with and have been scared to write about. My hope is that I can reach someone going through the same thing and give them hope and encouragement just like I received from a friend who was vulnerable and brave enough to share with others. The selfish part of this is to help me get through it and not feel like I have to put on a fake presentation for people with hope that they may have a little more understanding for what’s going on. So here it goes…(deep breath)
First off, what is Carob? Carob comes from the pod of a tree that grows along the Mediterranean Sea. The pod contains a sweet, edible pulp. Once dried and roasted, the pulp is ground into a powder called carob flour (but more commonly referred to as "carob powder"). It's similar to cocoa powder in color and can be substituted one-for-one in recipes, but carob is unique with its own special flavor and texture. You may want to swap out your Cacao for Carob if you are sensitive to caffeine or theobromine. Carob does not contain either of these like chocolate does.
My whole purpose with this blog post is to help shift your mindset from viewing health & fitness as this extreme program - workout every day, meal prep every meal, avoiding all indulgences, and meditate for an hour each day in a rose garden with an ocean view - to a more realistic view that it's a lifestyle, and the fact is that life is not perfect. The other fact is that what's healthy and working for one person may not be the right path or plan for someone else. We all have our own busy schedules, our own family situations, and our bodies are very different. READ MORE, click on title :)
WEDNESDAY WISDOM HERE! Hot topic, especially as we start off this new year. All of our social media feeds being flooded with New Years Resolutions, Cleanses, Detoxes, workout Trends, etc. How do we know what diet to choose? What's the secret?? Well I'm here with some words of wisdom. I'll tell you the secret....The best "diet" is the one we can maintain and helps us feel our best! That's it! Suprised? I'll teach you my simple guidelines later, but lets start with this No Diet Approach.
Let me explain.
You can have the most calculated, scientifically tested, measured out meal plan in the world, created by the smartest dietitians, but what good will it do you if it's too complicated to keep track of and stick with once reality sets in. The reason most diets fail is because people get sick of tracking stuff, its unrealistic with their lifestyle, and they quite. We want to go out with our friends and enjoy a meal without thinking of all the numbers throughout the night. We want to be able to make one meal for the family rather then individual orders for each member, leaving us feeling deprived in our corner as we eat our low-calorie diet food. We want to go to the grocery store without our heads almost exploding from reading all these labels, trying to remember what we should or shouldn't eat. This isn't to say you shouldn't even bother in trying to eat healthier, but my advice is to forget the diet rules and make one simple step towards a healthier YOU. Start where you're at, and small and simple changes in the right direction will end up making a huge difference over time!
The thing is, there's always a fad diet. Remember when the Atkins diet was the thing? or the Gluten Free Ban Wagon? Most popular now is the Paleo Diet, is this finally the answer we've been looking for?? In a recent article I read about the current hype on the Paleo diet, anthropologist Dr. William Leonard shared his research findings, “Our species was not designed to subsist on a single, optimal diet. What is remarkable about human beings is the extraordinary variety of what we eat. We have been able to thrive in almost every ecosystem on the Earth, consuming diets ranging from almost all animal foods among populations of the Arctic to primarily tubers and cereal grains among populations in the high Andes.” This to me, explains that we are all going to react differently to different foods, but as a whole, we are capable of utilizing a wide variety of foods. So when a diet plan calls to cut out whole food groups because we aren't supposed to be eating those foods in the first place, I don't fully agree (unless its processed junk your cutting out). Of course we should all listen to our bodies, and if we have a certain sensitivity that's totally different. For example, some people have a dairy or gluten sensitivity, but that doesn't necessarily mean these foods are harmful to everyone.
So want to hear my plan for the simplest diet ever?! Start where you're at and work towards the following:
- Eat whole foods, avoid labels
- If you do have a label, you want the shortest ingredient list as possible
- Have a vegetable (or more) at every meal
- Eat less sugar (especially processed sugar)
And there you have it! SIMPLICITY
So when I say start where you're at and work towards healthy, here's what it may look like for you.
- If you always eat out, try cooking two meals at home this week, and then work your way up to 3 meals, 4, 5, and then maybe you only go out to eat 1x per week!
- If you always have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, try a bowl of oats with fruit instead (fewer ingredients). And then maybe you add in some nuts or seeds to your oats, and some zucchini for your vegetable! Try throwing in spinach to your smoothies as well.
- If you love pasta for dinner, try swapping out your noodles one night for zucchini noodles, or adding vegetables to the sauce.
- If drink fruit juice, try having a whole piece of fruit in stead, you will consume about 1/3 of the sugar that way.
Don't try to be a perfect healthy eater all at once. By taking these baby steps, the habits will stick and you will transform your way of eating over time! If you try to do it all at once it will become frustrating and you'll be right back on the diet roller coaster.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you have ANY other questions at all. Feel free to comment below or send me an email! If you're interested in some healthy recipes to get you started you can check out some of my fitness & meal plans here. Also I'll be doing my 2nd annual Resolution Revival again this February. A 4 week challenge to keep the New Year momentum going, full of daily workouts and meal guide. This year I'm adding an exclusive video page that will have the full workouts you can follow along and do them with me!! Exciting stuff :)
In the mean time, here's a sneak peak recipe that will be on the guide that you can try out this week!