This past Saturday I was lucky enough to go to a cooking class in Paris. It was right at one of the booths at the street market. We learned how to make Chicken with a Spicy Chocolate sauce. I know, doesn't seem very french. It's actually a South American Dish, kind of ironic huh! haha but wherever it's from it is delicious! And healthy too! you get all the benefits of the dark cacao, with its antioxidents and nutrients, with the protein in the chicken, and pair it with some brown rice for a complete meal! Plus, who doesn't want more excuses to add chocolate to their life?

I put together the recipe here for you so you can try it on your own, let me know how it goes! I tried to do my best with the measurement conversions since they use grams here, so feel free to adjust it according to taste if its not quite right. Bon appétit!!


20g / 1.5 TBS ground almonds (almond flour)

20 g / 1.5 TBS toasted sesame seeds

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

4 cloves

¼ teaspoon of Espelette

¼ teaspoon paprika

120 g/ 1/2 C / 1 small white onion

1 garlic clove

50 g/2 long carrots 

8 fresh cilantro stems

5 grinds of 5 bay seasoning

50 cl chicken stock (or water + cube poultry)


40 g/ 1/4 C dark chocolate 80%

40 g/ 1/4 C dark chocolate pastry

200 g/ 1 C brown rice



For sauce-

chop the white onion.

Peel, grate and then finely chop the carrots.

Heat a frying pan (deep enough) over medium heat, pour a trickle of oil. Saute the chopped white onion.

Add spices: cinnamon, cloves, paprika, Espelette pepper, 3 grinds of 5 bays.

Then add: chopped carrots, almonds, sesame seeds. Mix well. Add the chicken broth. Season with a little salt if necessary.

Simmer for approximately 15 minutes.

Mix everything in a blender or with a hand blender.

Return the sauce to the heat. Add the chocolate, stir to dissolve. Adjust seasoning.


For Chicken:

Season the chicken with salt and supreme few grinds of 5 bays, color them in a hot pan with a drizzle of oil. Transfer to a baking dish.

Fifteen minutes before serving, place your chicken supremes in preheated oven at 200 ° C (400 F) Cook for 10 minutes.


For Rice-

1. Rinse the rice. In a pan put 1 part rice to 2 parts cold water + a little salt. Bring to a boil (starting with cold water). Once the water is absorbed, reduce heat (thermostat 2) and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Chop coarsely coriander and mix the cooked rice.

To serve:

Arrange the chicken on top of 1/2 C rice and cover with chocolate sauce. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds & cilantro.

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