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Fit Tips


My Top 10 Frugal Health Foods

My approach to nutrition is focused on real, whole foods, and how they fit into your real, everyday life. I don’t think that we should be cutting out any sort of food group (unless you have a diagnosed disease or sensitivity to the foods). I think the mainstream media “health” people do a good job of finding key words and getting them out to the public saying why this one food is the answer to all of your problems, or that one food will make you fat. These are catchy headlines, but far from reality. My approach has always been the same, make vegetables the focus of your diet, create balanced meals with protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, and avoid packaged foods if you can, but they aren’t going to kill you. If you are doing packaged foods, stick to the ones with the shorter ingredient lists. Keep your Grains & wheat products to whole wheat and whole grains, and you don’t need grains with every meal. Grains and Wheat get a bad rep, but remember, everyone is different and what could be harmful for one person, could be perfectly fine for the next person. Finally, eating healthy doesn’t have to brake the bank!! I think so many people get discouraged or overwhelmed thinking that they have to shop at Whole Foods and buy all organic products to be healthy, so they just don’t even try. McDonalds & Mac & Cheese are cheap, but what if I told you that you could eat better and feel better for the same cost? Well its true. 


Top 5 Sneaky Sugar Culprits


Top 5 Sneaky Sugar Culprits

I’m sure somewhere on your list of New Years resolutions there’s something in there about eating healthier. This can get tricky with all the false advertising out there, so I wanted to help you out. Ideally, I recommend filling your diet with whole foods and avoiding packaged foods all together, but if you’re in need of something convenient, or are slowly transitioning off packaged foods, there’s some misleading labels you may come across. I’ve picked 5 foods on my list of sneaky sugar culprits. These are foods that claim to be “healthy” foods, but are secretly packed with sugar. Here’s the list and how to out smart the sneaky food industry. 



My Top 3 Tips for Sticking to your Fitness Goals in 2016!

Its a fresh start to a new year, a clean slate. Everyone starts off the year with great intentions and then usually that fire and desire wares off by February or March. Well lets not have that happen this year! Lets make 2016 our fittest year and keep the fire lit. These are 3 tips I thought of that have helped me make goals and keep them. We all have our ups and downs, our on days and off days, but the more you practice consistency with fitness, the easier it will become. If I were to add a 4th tip to this list it would be to not beat yourself up over a slip. Just because you interrupt a good streak with a treat, or whatever it is, does not mean you have fallen off the wagon! Just get back on course and carry on. Also, January isn't the only time we get a clean slate. Think of each month, the start of each week, or even a brand new day! We have a lot of opportunities for fresh starts throughout the year, don't just settle on one. Alright now here are my top 3 tips:



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! #PerformanceGoals2016

I want to invite you to join me in making 2016 our “fittest” year yet! My whole desire to do this campaign for #performancegoals2016 came from my observation of the recent trending hashtags for goals. You have probably seen them or used them, #leggoals #buttgoals #hairgoals #kneecapgoals etc etc. While I think its totally fine to have people to inspire you with their fitness and physique, I don’t think its a good thing when we idealize someones body and say “I want legs like that” or “I wish I had her arms” because that’s just not how it works. I want to inspire you this year to make #performancegoals rather than #imagegoals. Set goals that push you outside your comfort zone physically, socially, academically, whatever it is, and the #imagegoals will follow. I love the wise words of Pinterest that say “train like an athlete, look like an athlete” :)


What living abroad has taught me about my Health & Fitness


What living abroad has taught me about my Health & Fitness

I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I've learned and grown from living abroad and I wanted to write down my thoughts. I've learned a ton about my self and life and relationships, but for this blogs purpose I am just focusing on what I've learned about health and fitness. These are just 5 specifics that I wanted to target. I hope I can inspire and share something useful from my experiences here!



The Scoop about Fats: Bad, Good, Better, Best

I have been researching cooking fats for a while now because I feel like there’s is always confusion on which fats/oils to use and why, so I wanted the answer on my own. after searching many different resources, I’ve concluded a pretty good list from other dietitians and experts in the field. I’ll make it short and sweet and give you a nice overview and key points to use one your own.



Best Ways to Cook your veggies! + Easy Warm Veggie Dinner Recipe

One of my main weight loss rules is to eat more vegetables!  Typically vegetables aren’t something you’ll over eat, and with all of those vitamins and fiber you will feel so much better inside and out!  There are two main rules for getting the most out of vegetables – one is eat lots of different colored veg (not just the green ones) and the other is never ever boil them. Boiling vegetables is a food crime. Besides nuking important nutrients, it also kills off delicate flavours, giving good vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts a bad name.


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The Label Equation + Sugar Content

So we hear a bunch of mumble jumble all the time about Carbs vs Fats vs Proteins, how much of this should I eat, or what carbs are really bad, how much protein should I have, etc etc. It can be a little overwhelming at times and a little discouraging if you’re not listening to the right sources.  This week I have two simplifying guidelines that if you stick to, can make a big difference, and help you towards weight loss or fitness goals.  I’m not saying this is the answer to it all, but just some simple guidelines that are easy to follow. I find that with my clients if we focus on one or two things at a time instead of a whole list of do's and don'ts, they are a lot more successful and less stressed! So if you don't know where to start, here a couple of tips you can start with today:

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